Senin, 11 Juni 2012

How to Survive your First Day at Work!

1. Be Grateful and Thank Everyone Who Helped You
The very first thing on your list should be to call or write to all of your teachers mentors, friends and contacts who helped you with your job search, if you haven't done so already. Be grateful for all the people who have given you inspiration, those who encouraged you to always do your best after college, and those who send their best wishes to you after your graduation and prayed for your success. Thank the people who you used as your character references, Thank them for their part in your good news, and let them know where you'll be working.

2. Take a test drive
The last thing you want to do is be late for the first day of work. You need to be able to be familiar with the different routes going to your work. It is best to take a test drive during rush hour to see how long it will take you to arrive on time at your work place.

3. Dress Appropriately
Please make sure you know the company dress code and that you are dressed accordingly and impressively at work. Try your best to make a good impression on how you dress up. You don’t have to buy expensive clothes or wear flashing jewelries or accessories though, just make sure you would look presentable, clean and professional.

4. Understand the company and industry
Making a more extensive research about your company and your job and really understanding what the company has been doing and plans on doing can really help you select the best footing for your first few weeks. Try to read the company's annual report and look at recent press-releases. Finally, see if you can find an overview of the market, who the 'players' are, and major change themes. It does not hurt to be knowledgeable about company where you will be building your career with.

5. Confirm to whom and where you are reporting
Most companies today conducts a New Hire Orientation Program while sometimes you go directly to your group. Don’t wander around and end up late because you went to the wrong place.

6. Evaluate yourself
Being a New graduate it is best to perform a self-assessment before you start your job and then review it periodically to make sure you are viewed the way they want to be. Here are some questions that you can ask yourself.
What kind of an employee do I want to be? How will I do that and how am I doing?
  • Who do I need to please and what will it take to make a good first impression?
  • How will I develop my internal network of supporters?
  • Who seems to be the most difficult to get along with, and how will I manage that?
7. Get enough sleep
There will be lots of excitement and anticipation not to mention celebration that comes with your first job after college, but you may come off as a little wired – and perhaps strung out – if you haven’t had enough sleep. So , always make sure you would have enough rest/sleep before starting your first day in your new company. This would help you stay alert and focus.

8. Eat breakfast
Your first week is likely to be long and dull – filling out HR paperwork, listening to training modules, shadowing and attending meetings. Make sure you fuel up in the morning so you can make it through the day. Plus, you won't know what the ‘norm’ is as far as when your co-workers usually go to lunch or if they eat quickly at their desk, so you may be stuck waiting a while.

9. Stash a few snacks in a purse, briefcase, or shoulder bag
Often you will be expected to meet with several people on your first day. Occasionally, your need to eat lunch will be overlooked. Be prepared for this by packing a few easy-to-eat and nutritious snacks.

10. Always be Positive
Be upbeat and enthusiastic even if this is not your dream job because even a menial job can be a stepping stone to your dream job. Always make sure you feel and look right for the job and it is best to always have a ready smile to everyone.

11. Get ready for paperwork
Bring things like your social security card, and other important job-related information with you. You'll probably be filling out tons of paperwork, and it's always great to be prepared. If they haven't checked your references, bring complete reference information including the name, title, phone number, address, e-mail address, and fax number of your contacts. Additionally, it's a good idea to bring a copy of your résumé in case it's needed on file.

12. Arrive early
If your shift starts at 8 a.m., it is best to arrive 15 minutes earlier. Chances are you'll be shuffled around a little and you want to make sure that you create strong work habits. Plus, it always looks good to be a little early.
I hope the above tips would help you jump start your career and make your first day at work be a blast!

13. Seek Spiritual Guidance
Whatever your religion, denomination or spiritual group you belong to, or whatever faith you may have it is best to always pray, seek guidance and offer your work – and your success to your GOD! Remember, everything is possible if you have FAITH.

By: Darwin Rivers